Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How to Study For the GRE (Graduate Record Examination)

It is true that the GRE exam is a tough one, but getting a fairly good score is not impossible. Here are a few tips and techniques to help you plan your study and tame the GRE beast.

1.Prepare for the exam by practicing sample questions. Give yourself at least two-three months to practice daily. The time you should give to prepare really depends on your level. If you need to clear your basics first, you need another 2-3 months.

2.Familiarize yourself with the format of the test before taking the actual test. If you know the format before hand, you will sail smoothly throughout the test. You will get less confused and feel more confident if you know the type of questions you are going to get.

3.Concentrate on the sections in which you think you are weak. For example, if your arithmetic is poorer than your algebra, practice arithmetic more often and clear all your doubts while doing so. There are four parts of the GRE test - analytical writing, research, quantitative, and verbal. Find out the section which is the most difficult for you. Only you can find this out. You must work on this section by putting as much effort as you can.

4.Set your target GRE score, that is, the score you wish to obtain. By setting a score goal for yourself, you will give yourself an idea of how much preparation and study time you will need. Setting a goal will channelise your work.

5.Remember to see if there is any distraction while studying. If yes, take necessary steps to put an end to it. While studying, stay away from television, mobile phone, and music, if they distract you.
6.Practice daily. Think of it like a sports that you enjoy playing. You will need to practice this sport everyday to improve Similarly you need to practice GRE sample papers daily to do more and more better in the GRE.


It is rare to find a student who participated on a study abroad program and didn't think it was an amazing experience. Study abroad teaches you about foreign politics, foreign culture, and often a foreign language. It also helps students gain new insights and learn how to adapt to new situations. Because of this, study abroad helps increase your job marketability.
Students study abroad for many different reasons. Some are bored at their school in the U.S., while others want to experience life in a new country. No matter why you want to study abroad, you will have an amazing experience and learn about yourself and the world than you every expected.
While choosing a location for your study abroad experience you should select places which match your personality, as you have to be happy wherever you go. For example, if you don't like big cities, you probably won't be happy in Madrid, Rome, or London. So, before you decide where you want to study abroad, think about what types of places make you the happiest.
Another important decision you have to make before you decide on a study abroad program is whether you want a small group or a large group. With a small group you will get more personalized attention and have more flexibility. With a large group you will meet more people, but not get as much attention from the staff.
Academic Studies Abroad is a trustworthy website which provides helpful information to students in choosing their right study abroad location. You can log in to their website at to gain more details about their study abroad programs, which offer excellent opportunities and options for those wishing to study abroad.

The Future Of Books?

Books are outdated; anyone can agree that books have been around for thousands of years and really haven’t changed much. Very little has changed about the book itself except for the author, picture and content. I wonder if the ancient Romans also hated paper cuts. Let’s face it: paper really isn’t a very good record keeper; it’s flammable, ink fades, sun damages the paper, oils from your fingers are destructive to the pages, etc. But recently a new creation was born to take over the world of the book: Digital Book Reader.

A Digital Book Reader” is a device that is similar to the Pads” found on Star Trek. These electronic devices are usually tablet in shape and house a screen that is as easy on the eyes as a paperback would be. Actually better for those folks that would like to either enlarge or decrease font size. These digital readers can also save your page so you never need to remember where you were or where your bookmark is.

These digital readers allow for vast amounts of titles to be stored into the device’s internal memory. Then there are models that allow for expanded memory and the storage capabilities become virtually limitless. No longer is the need to carry 50 pounds of textbooks anywhere these readers often way less than 15 ounces! The amount of information that is accessible with one of these devices is staggering at best. You can be on-the-go and have all your favorite books, magazines, and even blogs brought to you daily and effortlessly. Reading when traveling has never gotten easier! These readers allow you to bring ALL your books along with no problem and no extra bulk in your suitcases.

Some models of Digital Book Readers offer the user wireless download of books from anywhere at anytime without the need to connect to a computer or even a network connection; the reader does it all on its own. Now that’s impressive; you can search, pick, download and start reading your book in under a minute anytime, anywhere.

These devices usually have a screen that can be viewed and read from even under direct light; just like your standard paperbacks. Also like paperbacks, digital book readers can be operated with one hand allowing the other free to do what it pleases. Pages can be turned with the single click of a button. Some models also allow for a full hands free approach with text to speech. Tired of reading? Simply tell the device that you want it to read to you!

Downloading books to your digital book reader is not just a snap but it’s also cheaper than buying the actual book. This, of course, is due in large part to the fact that there is no need to buy paper. Publishers save printing costs and you save directly on purchases of your favorite books. Bestsellers can go as low as $9.99!

It’s safe to bet that the future of book reading is soon on its way in. Once prices of Digital Book Readers have dropped enough that everyone can afford it (not to say its so expensive now) we’ll be seeing this device slowly replace the conventional book. Our planet also thanks us for this effort as less books means less trees being chopped down!